5 Day Program
Discovery of temples, lake and countryside

Day 1 - Forest trek, Visit of ‘’Angkor-group’’ temples and Villages activities...
(About 15 km north of Siem Reap town)

Begin the visit to South Gate of Angkor Thom, the ancient royal city of the Great Khmer Empire with its center piece and walking through forest trails of Angkor Thom area where you can feel freshness of early morning surrounded by tall trees, wild flowers, butterfly, forest birds… After the forest trekking, you will have picnic breakfast at the eastern gate of Angkor Thom and then continue your visit to the Bayon Temple. As you approach, you will notice the enigmatic faces of former King Jayavaraman VII looking into every direction. Your guide will take you to the Terrace of the Elephants, which served as a platform from where the King could welcome back his victorious army and the Terrace of the Leper King, which holds detailed carvings winding along a narrow passage way that leads to the Baphuon complex. After lunch in local house, trek in a village to discover different varieties of handicrafts (wooden sculpture, making musical instruments, making traditional incense sticks). Later in the afternoon, you will visit Preah Khan Temple, originally a Buddhist monastery and school and Preah Neak Pean Temple at the end of the day.

Departure round 7:00am and return around 04:30pm.

Day 2 - Forest trek, Visit of ‘’Angkor-group’’ temples and Cooking lesson...
(About 15 km north of Siem Reap town)

Start the day with sun rise viewing and picnic breakfast in front of Angkor Wat Temple, where you can see its massive three-tiered pyramid, crowned by five lotus-like towers rising 65 meters. Angkor Wat Temple is one of the modern wonders of the world. Be amazed by the sheer size of the temple and learn how the Great Khmer Empire prospered between the 9th and 13th centuries, around the time when Angkor Wat was built. Stroll through the intricately carved hallways that show hundreds of fine carvings and discover small shrines still in use today by the local people. Once you finished the visit of this cultural marvel temple, trek to another village where you discover other varieties of handicraft, such as boxes, baskets and mats. Visit village activities such as making palm sugar and sugar palm wine. Take cooking class and have lunch with local family around temples and rest after your meal. In the early afternoon, walking through the forest trails behind Tapromh and visit Tapromh, known as the jungle temple. This temple is considered to be Angkor’s most beautiful structure and is overgrown with fig trees, giving a haunting yet exotic atmosphere. The magnificent roots of the trees have merged itself over the centuries with the temple’s huge stone blocks, emphasizing a ‘forgotten city’ feeling, finally you will finish the afternoon with the colors of the sunset at Pre Rup Temple.

Departure around 5:30am and return around 06:30pm.

Day 3 - Kompong Kleang visit, Discover the flooded forest, Cooking lesson                         and Homestay...
(About 45 km south east of Siem Reap town)

Start the day with an hour drive to the stilt village of Kampong Khleang, one of the largest settlements on the Tonle Sap Great Lake. Living on water is an art the Khmer people have mastered over the course of time. Observe the local customs and talk with your hosts about the differences they face living on the water. Continue a visit to the floating village with traditional paddle boat and then return to the family where a catered lunch is set up for you. After lunch you will explore the small island, which is home to a bustling market, a pagoda, a school and a health center. In the late afternoon you will conduct a cooking class with a local family in the village, dinner and night in a home stay.

Departure around 8:00am until the day after around 8:00am

Day 4 - Buffalo cart trek, Local handicraft and cooking lesson...
(About 18 km east of Siem Reap town)

Following morning, after breakfast, drive to another local village where buffalo/ ox cart (Khmer traditional mean of transportation) await for you and drive on unity around 45 minutes through the rice field and village trails to another village where one of the families welcome and host you for your first arrive to the village. You will take cooking lesson and have lunch with the family. After lunch, trekking through the village to see difference aspects of local village life including palm leave weaving family, making flat rice and last family will host you with a fresh coconut juice before ending your visit in their village.

Departure from Kompong Kleang around 8:00am and return to Siem Reap around 04:00pm

Day 5 - Kbal Spean- River of 1,000 lingas with water fall, Temples group                          and Conservation program...
(50 km north of Siem Reap town)

Located 40km from Siem Reap, it is a pleasant 1 hour drive through the Cambodian countryside to reach the jewel of Khmer art, Banteay Srei temple. Translating to “The Citadel of the Women”, this red sand-stone temple is one of Angkor’s most significant structures as its walls are decorated with elaborate carvings and in an amazing state of preservation. Much of the Angkor civilization can be learned here by studying the remarkable carvings. Continue to take a discovery tour to Kbal Spean, 1,000 Lingas carving on natural stone onto river, and also tour in Angkor Center for Conservation of Biodiversity (ACCB), and listen to their conservation programs and roles nearby Kulen Mountain national park. Enjoy lunch break at a local restaurant and return to visit Banteay Samre temple at the end of the day.

Departure around 07:30am and return around 05:00pm

Program on request

Dear visitors, do not hesitate to contact us if you prefer a different program, answer to your time and wishes.
Thank to choose among all our proposed excursions and defined the length and order of the tours you’d like.

            Package tour Siem Reap
 tour in Siem Reap
 Balade en charrette à cheval

            artisanat and balade dans les villages

            séjour chez habitant

            séjour chez habitant